Why the name Hazelbrook?

The town was named after Hazelbrook House, built in the 1870s by Svonte Noles. The name Hazelbrook was adopted in 1894 when the Hazelbrook railway station was opened opposite the home. Hazelbrook House no longer exists but Selwood House is a heritage-listed building in the nearby vicinity and now houses a veterinary practice.

Primary Schools

Hazelbrook catchment for public school's is Hazelbrook Public. There are also three private school options with Korowal School & Blue Mountains Steiner and Blue Mountains Grammar School. For more information on these schools, please follow links below.

High Schools

Hazelbrook catchment for High schools is Springwood High, Katoomba High and Winmalee High. Korowal School is a private option also available. For more information on these schools, please follow links below.

Hazelbrook 30 Year Median

1993 median house price - $111,000
2022 median house price - $835,000
Average house sales per year - 113

30 year Growth 652%
Total Dwellings - 1,889
Population - 5,077