Why the name Lawson?

One of the first settlements on the eastern slopes of the Blue Mountains, Lawson was identified on early maps as 24 Mile Hollow-a name which was changed to Christmas Swamp for a few years. When the Blue Mountain Inn was opened in 1848, the locals adopted the name Blue Mountain for the village. This name was also given to the original railway station after the rail line was pushed through in 1867. The presence of a Blue Mountain on the Blue Mountains, however, became so confusing to visitors that the authorities stepped in and renamed the village Lawson in honor of William Lawson who, along with William Wentworth and Gregory Blaxland, were the first Europeans to cross the Blue Mountains in 1813.

Primary Schools

Lawson catchment for public schools is Lawson Public. There are also three private school options with Korowal School & Blue Mountains Steiner and Kindlehill School. For more information on these schools, please follow links below.

High Schools

Lawson catchment for High schools is Springwood High and Katoomba High. Blue Mountains Grammar and  Korowal School are private options also available. For more information on these schools, please follow links below.

Lawson 30 Year Median

1993 median house price - $108,000
2022 median house price - $845,600
Average house sales per year - 65

30 year Growth 682%
Total Dwellings - 1,085
Population - 2,651